Tobacco Cessation Educational Resources

The C.H.A.T. Lab has created a tobacco cessation resource guide for the community. These resources include a variety of information sorted by the broad topics they fall under. Click the boxes below to find resources and learn more about each topic! 

Tools 🧰


  1. Helpful handouts for patients
  2. Cost of smoking calculator 
  3. U.S. Quitlines by the North American Quitline Consortium
  4. Illinois tobacco quitline
  5. I want to quit smoking by the American Lung Association
  6. How to quit using tobacco by the American Cancer Society
  7. How to help someone quit smoking by the American Cancer Society
  8. Smokefree Text Messaging Programs by
  9. Smokefree 60+ by
  10. NRT Dosing tool by


  1. Breathwork by Truth Initiative
  2. How to use quit smoking medicines by the CDC

Supplemental free trainings

  1. Ask, advise, refer to quit don’t switch by the American Lung Association
  2. How to help people quit by the American Lung Association


Nicotine Replacement Therapy


  1. Using nicotine replacement therapy by the U.S. Dept. of Health and Human Services
  2. Busting NRT Myths by the U.S. Dept. of Health and Human Services
  3. How quit smoking medicines work by the CDC
  4. Nicotine replacement therapy and adolescent patients by the American Academy of Pediatrics
  5. NRT Dosing tool by


  1. Nicotine affects the brain. NRT can help you quit smoking by the CDC
  2. How to use quit smoking medicines by the CDC
"Big Tobacco" History
Motivational Interviewing
Financial Burden 💰
Thirdhand smoke
E-cigarettes & Vaping


  1. What you should know about vaping and e-cigarettes by Suchitra Krishnan-Sarin for TedTalks
  2. Why vaping is bad for you by Science Insider
  3. Straight to vape by Truth Initiative
  4. Parents against vaping


1. Unvaping America’s Youth by Truth Initiative


Mental Health & Stress 🧠


  1. How tobacco companies linked cigarettes and mental health by Truth Initiative
  2. Tobacco free toolkit for behavioral health agencies by the California Behavioral Health and Wellness Initiative (The appendix has good resources for sharing)
  3. Relaxation techniques: Breath control helps quell errant stress response by Harvard Health Publishing
  4. Nicotine use and stress by Truth Initiative
  5. What is box breathing? by WebMD
  6. Understanding breathing and the importance of taking a deep breath by Susan Cunningham for UCHealth
  7. Breathwrk – App for your phone that provides guided breathing exercises


  1. Smoking and mental health 
  2. Integrating racial equity and mental wellbeing in tobacco cessation: Tobacco and wellbeing masterclass workshop (pre-recorded Zoom webinar)
  3. Breathwork by Truth Initiative
Secondhand Smoke


  1. The dangers of secondhand smoke by the American Academy of Pediatrics
  2. Health effects of secondhand smoke by the CDC
  3. How we can protect our children from secondhand smoke by the CDC


  1. Secondhand and thirdhand smoke whiteboard by California Youth Advocacy Network
COVID-19 and Smoking 😷
  1. Marijuana and Lung Health by the American Lung Association
  2. Cannabis (Marijuana) Research Report by NIH
  3. Medical Marijuana by Peter Grinspoon for Harvard Health


  1. A Doctor’s Case for Medical Marijuana by David Casarett for TedTalks
  2. Is marijuana bad for the brain by Anees Bahji for TedTalks
LGBTQ+ Communities 🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍⚧️


  1. Rising vaping rates among lesbian, gay, and bisexual young people outpace peers, widening tobacco use gap – Report by Truth Initiative
  2. Tobacco use in LGBT communities by Truth Initiative
  3. Big tobacco targets the LGBTQ+ community by American Cancer Society
  4. Quitting is an act of self love by the National LGBT Cancer Network


  1. Tobacco control in LGBT communities by Truth Initiative